Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0704A-R-50C-016-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0802A-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1004B-R-50C-011-5

Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0704B-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0802A-R-50C-021-5

ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0802B-R-50C-011-MU-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1102B-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1102A-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1102A-R-50C-016-3

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 3 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1104B-R-50C-016-3

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 3 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0802B-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1004A-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1004B-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0802A-R-50C-011-MU-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0704BP-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0704BP-R-50C-016-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1104B-N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. P9370AU-726

Add 300 kHz to 26.5 GHz Option (includes installation, calibration, and 1 yr...

Open Market / 4 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. 85059B

Precision calibration kit, 1 mm

GSA Schedule / 26 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. 85059BB

Identical to 85059B Precision calibration kit, 1 mm, order convenience model...

Open Market / 52 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. 81624X05C

InGaAs Optical Head, 5 mm diameter, calibrated by PTB, with special cal. for...

GSA Schedule / 52 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N2125A

UXR Scope Calibration Module, 1mm

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. 81624X05C-R-50C-011-5

Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 52 Weeks

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Rohde & Schwarz 1164.0450.36


Calibration Unit. 10MHz - 20GHz, 6 ports, 3.5mm(f)

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

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Rohde & Schwarz 1534.2220.02


Climate option ATS800R var.02 for extreme temperature tests Including: - Dome...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1534.2220.03


Climate option ATS800R var.03 for extreme temperature tests Including: - Dome...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1801.7354.02


6 GHz bandwidth upgrade for RTO6 1 GHz incl. calibration retrofittable in R&S...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 5203.6010.02


SOFTWARE License TS9032_NEW G. Windows Software for power meter sensor...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 3599.0901S21


Accredited Calibration Coverage for 60 months from delivery for CMX500 BU + 5x...

Open Market / 22 Weeks

Rohde & Schwarz 5011.6888.02


Calibration kit 1.85mm, 0 Hz to 72GHz Open, Short, Match, Through male / female...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

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Rohde & Schwarz 1329.7148.02


6GHz bandwidth upgrade for R&SRTO2004 incl. calibration (for models...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1329.7183.02


6GHz bandwidth upgrade for R&SRTO2012/4 incl. calibration (for models...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

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Rohde & Schwarz 1159.6883.03


Calibration kit for R&SNRP power sensors with 2.4mm connector; DC to 50GHz,...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1164.0638.38


Calibration unit, 300 kHz - 8 GHz; 8 ports, 3.5mm(f)

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1164.0638.78


Calibration unit, 300 kHz - 8 GHZ; 8 ports, N(f)

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Tecan US Inc. 30087538

ProfiBlot T48 (Temperature Control Capability), 1 yr warranty

GSA Schedule / 8 Weeks

Show Price

Tektronix RSA5BUP-B85HD-40

High dynamic range, 85 MHz acquisition bandwidth. From 40 MHz BW, hardware,...

Open Market / 8 Weeks

Tektronix RSA5BUP-B16XE

165 MHz Acquisition Bandwidth (From 40 MHz), hardware, service installed,...

Open Market / 8 Weeks

Tektronix RSA5BUP-B16XHD-125

High dynamic range, 165 MHz acquisition bandwidth. From 125 MHz BW, hardware,...

Open Market / 8 Weeks

Tektronix RSA5BUP-B85

85 MHz Acquisition Bandwidth (From 25 MHz), hardware, service installed,...

Open Market / 8 Weeks